Thursday, January 21, 2016

Oh no! I am late! KL Traffic in 2016 was insane

It's been 2 weeks in a row where I punch in late in the morning aka DATANG LAMBAT. Seriously, it's super late. I commute from Ampang to Damansara everyday. In late 2015 it was a smooth sailing since its school holiday. But 2016 have been super hectic and I am still struggling.

I reschedule my time. I admit that the last 2 weeks that I came in late was the time where I am experimenting myself (good luck on conveying excuse to HR Dept.). I clock my time when I leave the house. And I arithmetically went out at 5, 10, 15 to 30 minutes earlier than the first day. Guess what? I am not even close to EARLY.

Traffic in KL was insane man! It drives me crazy. Tomorrow I will need to leave the house 1 hour earlier than my punch in time. Good luck to me :'(

Jack here know what I'm feeling right now. He don't want me to leave early too

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Blogger!
Perkenalkan, saya dari tim kumpulbagi. Saya ingin tau, apakah kiranya anda berencana untuk mengoleksi files menggunakan hosting yang baru?
Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website kami atau untuk info selengkapnya.

Di sana anda bisa dengan bebas share dan mendowload foto-foto, music, video, filem dll dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tidak terbatas, setelah registrasi terlebih dahulu. Gratis :)