Saturday, July 28, 2012


Recently, I bought 3 shawl daripada TudungPeople memandangkan saya adalah pemakai tegar selendang. And this product of TudungPeople that I love most is

PIC CREDIT: TudungPeople FB Page

Here's the simple reasons.

1) It is awesomely cheap. RM25 kot! Tersangat affordable.

2) The colour & material is solid. By saying that, I mean, compared to shawl murah yang lain, Numa shawl is definitely tak akan menyebabkan leher kita terdedah hanya kerana shawl yang kita pakai tu nipis & jarang.

3) Panjang. Kebanyakan shawl daripada TudungPeople adalah panjang. Therefore, kita boleh pakai macammane cara sekalipun dan still boleh tutup 'necessary area that requires to be covered'.

So referring to reason no. 3 tu, do we girls, really look from other's perspective, that how do we look without THAT area covered? I tried. The view is not that awesomely chic,pretty and cool as we think. And who do you think enjoy that uncool view? Yes. MEN. With that STARE

PIC CREDIT: Google Image

So, doesn't matter pakai selendang ke, tudung sarung tu ke, tudung bawal ke, atau ape tudung sekalipun, just make sure, that AREA is covered.

PIC CREDIT: TudungPeople FB Page

Like my favourite Hijabista did: Maria Elena


May Allah bless us. Salam Ramadhan.

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