Monday, June 21, 2010

Entri Jiwang Karat


Ini adalah entri sebelum pegi keje.
Ye, saya dah dapat keje kawan-kawan.
Segan nak announce sebab ari tu tak confirm lagi.
Eh, perlu ke announce?
Ingat ko Victoria Beckham ke?
Walaupun hanya akan memulakan kerjaya di tempat aku intern dulu,
di mana aku kenal orang-orang kat situ,
still nervous gile kot!

& after Subuh tadi masa kemas pencil case,(Perlu ke?Perlu kot)
Then terjumpa note si tqa stuffer. (note merepek ape ntah. Biase la.stuffer kot)*
But the point is...
I wish my friends are here now.
With me. As they always do.
Ok.mode menyayat hati.
Tapi sangat betul.
I miss Hawa, Anis, Mushai, Stuffer.
I miss JKAS.
I can't believe I say this,
but I miss my study life.
Most of all, I miss my dear friends.(Nangis!)

p/s: Stuffer, sorry. Gurau je.


H for Hawa zulaikHa said...

keje elok2 beb!..chaiyok2!!...doakan aku dpt keje cepat2..pastu bley la shoping same2..huhu


yerp.. take care..

Anna said...

insyaAllah.. always pray u guys get the best in your life.

yes.mau shopping sama.

wanianis said...

miss you too beb ...