Tuesday, February 9, 2010

bekal bekalan

I wonder if I have prepared enough bekalan
bukan bekalan nasik lemak or sandwich yang kite bawak pergi sekolah dulu-dulu
bukan jugak bekalan hari tua or whatsoever

I mean bekalan after life.
To meet the Ultimate, Almighty.
Bekalan yang aku ade sekarang semua dosa.
Sungguh aku perlukan 1000tahun lagi untuk menebus dosa- dosa aku.
Like it's going to happen.

But I pray hard,
I will be given enough time to do what I've plan in life.
God, give me time.
Help me to achieve what I've planned.
Not for me.
Since I've dedicate all my life to You.

And I pray you will smoothen my way in life.

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